Private Schools vs Public Schools: What Are the Differences?

Is it time to decide between public and private schools? If you’re fortunate enough to have a choice, it’s important to look at your options and find the best fit for your child or children.

Having a choice makes it possible for some children to receive an education that’s tailored to their specific needs. Whether that’s public or private, it makes a difference in a child’s life.

How much do you know about the topic of private schools vs. public schools? Keep reading to learn the differences between them to help you make an informed decision when it comes time to register your kids for school.

What is a Private School?

Private schools do not receive government funding. They are tuition-based. In some states, there are school vouchers and some give tax breaks for those who choose a private school education for their children. In states without voucher programs, parents are responsible for paying the tuition.

Most people look at it as an investment in their child’s future. Tuition for private schools ranges between $6,000 and $50,000+ per year.

Any private school guide will tell you that private schools can expand their curriculum and programming without regulations that come with public funding. This allows them to integrate intellectual, religious, or philosophical teachings into core subjects.

While private schools still have standardized testing, it’s not as scrutinized as it is in public schools. Teachers in private schools don’t tailor all of their teachings to the test. Private schools also tend to have smaller class sizes making the teacher-to-student ratio more ideal.

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What is a Public School?

Public school is publicly funded with taxpayer money. There are school zones in which people live (neighborhood boundaries) and the kids go to the coordinating school. Some states, but not all, have a school choice where you can apply to send your child to a different public school in the area.

While most private schools require an application to get in, any student can go to a public school. Their academic profile or developmental level doesn’t matter. They have the services to provide instruction to all students.

There’s a public school guide to the regulated curriculum for all students. The school district establishes policies and procedures for what’s in the curriculum and at what grade students learn each concept.

Private Schools vs. Public Schools: Now You Know

Who knows your child better than you? When you look at private schools vs. public schools, you have a unique perspective that comes from knowing your child and his or her needs and behaviors. Knowing the differences between the two types of schools will help you choose the right option for your child.

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