Effective Postpartum Weight Loss Tips for New Mums

Although the new mother feels tempted to disregard her own health in the care of her baby, it’s important for her to be aware of a few important things like post-partum care, which includes weight management.Friends and relatives offer postpartum weight loss tips which create more pressure and anxiety for the new mother.Also, she needs to shun common misconceptions, myths and unsubstantiated beliefs about after delivery that have been doing the rounds (and nothing beneficial) for generations

Worried about Postpartum Weight? Here’s what you Need to Know…

Effective Postpartum Weight Loss Tips

Being a new mother is not easy; it’s taxing, drains you and makes you worry too much about your baby. Losing weight may seem an uphill task, but it’s not too difficult nor something to be rushed into or delayed too much. 

Here are a few effective tips you should consider as they have been proffered by health experts:

Don’t diet to lose weight, but diet to eat healthy.

While you may be worried about all the weight you gained during pregnancy and may have resolved to start dieting, resist the temptation of depriving yourself of eating right. In fact, don’t go on a diet; rather, eat right, as it will replenish you with healthy nutrients and also help you with losing weight over time in a healthy way.

Breastfeed your baby munificently.

 Breastfeeding definitely contributes to weight loss in its own way. It is known to burn calories, even increase metabolism to an extent and very importantly, provide good amount of nutrition to your baby.

  Breastfeeding schedule for new mums-Click here

Incorporate physical activity and exercise in your routine gradually.

Don’t exert yourself too much with exercising vigorously in the beginning soon after child birth. Instead, take advice from your doctor as it not only helps you shed weight without harm but also helps you gain back your strength and health.

Make sure you sleep well.

Having a baby will increase your chores and take up lots of time in attending to the little one, but that doesn’t mean you should sacrifice your sleep and rest. You can request family members to help a bit so you get enough time to sleep, which will help you look after your baby better.

Don’t neglect yourself.

Words cannot suffice to describe the joy and bliss that becoming a mother brings in a new mom’s life. At the same time, the new mother tends to find nothing more worrying than how her tiny bundle of joy does in her or his new life, not even her delicate condition due to which she may neglect herself a bit or take measures which may not be advisable.

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5 thoughts on “Effective Postpartum Weight Loss Tips for New Mums”

  1. This is such a helpful post for new mothers. Many of friends have been struggling to lose all those pregnancy kilos. And the struggle seems to be pretty real. As you have said, it is important not to neglect one’s self after motherhood sets in!

  2. usually, thats the biggest concern for many new moms-how to loose pregnancy weight? And in this process of loosing weights, they overlook their health which can cause further side effects on their overall health.

  3. Informative tips! But I have always been of the opinion that there should never be immense pressure to reduce weight. It can be a gradual process. #myepicareads #MyFriendAlexa


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