5 tips for work-life balance from a successful working mother

Mommy’s Magazine salutes the spirit of working mothers, whether they are working outside home or not.How about parenting and work life balance tips that come straight from the testimonies and stories of  wonderful moms themselves? What could be better than real life, tried and tested life lessons of moms?

Here is an insightful article by a working mother who has managed to meet the odds of motherhood as a working mother.

Meet Abhrekha Jain Sahlot, the name is derivative of her parent’s name ( Abhay & Rekha). She is full of life, energy and enthusiasm. A gold medalist computer engineer she has been working with top MNC for over 13 years nworking motherow.

Blessed with an incredible supportive family, Husband Tushar Sahlot stands behind her as the strongest pillar of strength, shouldering equal responsibilities at home. A doting mother of 2 boys ( Nabhanyu & Daksh Sahlot), life has given her various opportunities to explore and she seems to have taken best of everything. From singing, painting to acting, swimming and basketball, she has been into various co-curricular activities from artistic ones to the sports ones.

However, currently, she enjoys sharing her blessings with fellow women by addressing women and parenting forums and helping women in her capacity and spread message & the importance of being happy & content. email-  abhrekha.jain@gmail.com

5 tips for work-life balance  

Call me Mrs. Obvious, but being a mom is tough. Really very tough.

No matter what type of mom you are—no matter what are your circumstances or your background—raising children is guaranteed to be challenging for you. There will be good days and bad days. There will be days when you feel deeper contentment than you ever thought possible, and days you wonder how you’re going to keep your head from exploding.
See also:

It’s never too Late…

Being a working mom brings with it its own set of obstacles to jump over—ranging from sleepless nights to the guilt of being a working mom.

All moms feel Guilt, whether they work outside home or not.

Whether working outside home or not all moms are deserving of respect and support.

Below are a few tips based on my experience which helps me attain perfect work-life balance, which helps me to perform brilliantly at workplace and allows me to enjoy my motherhood to the fullest.

  • Focus on the positive contributions of your work life to your family

Some women don’t have the option to stay at home, while others choose to continue their career. Whatever may be the reason, deciding to be a working mom is a choice that should be admired, supported and not judged or shamed. If you are feeling guilty about not being with your child all the time, it’s time to say “bye bye” to it.

Focus on the positive things that your work life is giving to your family. Be rest assured that you are making the best choice for your whole family, including yourself, and your child will feel the extent of your love and understand your sacrifice.

  • Just because my kids are in childcare doesn’t mean anyone else is raising them

It’s utmost important that your child is in safe hands when you are away for work .I send my younger son to daycare and get real-time updates on his daily activities.These days’ day care centers are more of activity center’s where they ensure the child is engaged in various activities and have fun during his stay. You need to ensure daycares are spacious, clean and hygienic.

Alternatively, you could check for a reliable domestic help/nanny to take care of your kid at home, you could also get some cameras installed to check/track the activities real time.

Use your time diligently, use time-saving hacks, shortcuts and plan strategically.

Do online shopping, get food delivered at home in case you are unable to cook and too tired to go out.

Plan conference calls during your commute and get quick errands done during your lunch break to free up more time during the week.

Keep outfits and lunches ready the night before so that you can enjoy your morning instead of rushing to get out the door on time.

Reduce distractions and any thoughts which waste your time and energy. Time is the most precious commodity for a working mother, Ensure you do not waste your time during office hours with long lunch breaks or surfing net/phone etc.Once back from the office, spend quality time with your kids and family. Time spent together should be meaningful and intentional.

Create special and meaningful activities for the family like we often play UNO/Cards or dance together before we got to sleep or go out on Beaches over weekends etc.

  • Stay organized to avoid last minute rush

Stay organized using calendars, reminders, and lists and always plan ahead, Adopt the proactive approach and try things out of your comfort zones.

The mental load of working mothers is a responsibility that no one else can understand. We are the one in charge of keeping track of doctor’s appointments, paying bills, packing tiffin’s, remembering birthdays, writing cards, staying on top of clothes, knowing what’s in the fridge and planning next meal, never letting the house run out of basic items, just to name a few. Use planners, apps, and other resources to keep track of your never-ending to-do and let go of some of the mental weight.

For me, I add events to a shared calendar/or write on paper so that my husband can easily see what’s coming up and help out. Plan ahead as much as possible so that nothing is left to the last minute.Buy a smartwatch and be happy counting your calories and getting reminders to stay up to date.

  • Say ‘No’ when you have to

Also, we can talk to our employer and set the expectations, we could check if there are any work from home policy or flexi-time arrangements possible. Learn to say “No” in case there is something which you would not be able to deliver.

Be honest and open about your needs, some time off which you would need during the day based on your child needs etc. With changing times I do see many companies trying consciously to make workplace more comfortable and employee friendly and are open to supporting the needs of working mothers.

  • Find some ‘ Me Time’

I’m not a bad mom if I don’t miss my kids every moment of every workday.

Create moments and memories for yourself, by managing time wisely, you can always get some “me” time regularly. A refreshing break will helps you to recharge while taking care of personal needs. As your time is divided between your home and your career, working moms should make sure to manage your energy well.

You are the anchor of your family, if you are not happy, you can never keep your family happy. Take out time for exercise (like a yoga class) or focus on a hobby. Don’t forget to eat well and get enough rest—simple things that even the smartest moms neglect.

I usually plug in good music and go for my cycling or walk. It’s very important to per sue your hobby and be associated with it.

I always conclude with the disclaimer that each one to their own and these were a few tips which I implement to make my life more fulfilling. Wishing all readers, a great day and a great life ahead.

 email-  abhrekha.jain@gmail.com

Do you have a story to share? Write to us at mommysmagazine@gmail.com

See also:

It’s never too Late…

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