Easy Pumpkin Soup Your Kids will Definitely Love -Try it

Yes, you read it right. Your kids will love this easy, healthy yet yummy Pumpkin Soup. In fact, in our family, the young, as well as the old, relish it on cool, breezy evenings, especially during winter and monsoon. There are many ways to make Pumpkin soup. Though some people add cream and follow elaborate methods to make it, I follow this quick, simple recipe which has turned out to be a hit, every time I make it.

This easy Pumpkin soup recipe is filled with the goodness of various health benefits. Pumpkins are rich in potassium and beta-carotene. It also contains minerals which include calcium and magnesium, as well as vitamins E, C and some B vitamins. Every mom wants to give immunity building and nutrient-rich food to their kids. I bet this soup is a good option.


easy pumpkin soup


Pumpkin                  1 cup (peeled and cut)

Onion (optional)    1 small (preferably white)

Garlic                        2 pods (crushed/chopped)

Pepper                      1 pinch( freshly crushed or you may use powder)

Salt                            As per taste ( a little black salt adds taste)

Oil/Ghee                  1 teaspoon (oil can be any variant, Olive/Sunflower)

Water                        1  to 2 cups


  1. Heat oil/ghee in a pan.
  2. Add onion and saute till translucent (slightly pink and soft).
  3. Add crushed garlic and saute.
  4. Drop-in, the pumpkin and add crushed pepper and salt.
  5. Add water (you may vary the amount of water depending on whether you want thick or thin consistency of soup). 2 cups will give medium consistency.
  6. Cook on low heat for 5-7 minutes or till cooked. Don’t overcook as overcooked veggies are said to lose precious nutrients.
  7. Blend to a smooth consistency.
  8. Add a pinch of love and garnish-optional  (cream and coriander)and you are good to go.

Hope you have wonderful family time, relishing the soup together.

Try this Healthy Beetroot, Carrot and Lentil Soup too

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