New Year Resolutions for Kids in 2021 (Age-wise)

New Year is around the corner and we all are excited to welcome 2021 with new hopes and blessings. Set up your child for success with these specific and achievable new year resolutions for kids in 2021.

Let our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word – Goran Persson

The year 2020 was a testing time for all of us and has taught us many things in different ways. We as parents and adults were still mature enough to understand the criticality and seriousness of the pandemic, however, our kids also supported us during the pandemic and stood by us.

These children deserve a special acknowledgement for being understanding and adapting to the new normal. From virtual classrooms and exams to virtual sports and coaching, these small kids ensured the show continues and life must go on.

Everybody is talking about new year resolutions, so here are some smart and healthy new year resolutions for kids.

new year 2021

These resolutions will give children something to look forward to and keep working towards their goals. Even if they are not followed completely, making a resolution shows that you have the belief and hope in your ability to change habits and become a better you. 

Based on age, children can decide to pledge and commit to doing something better in the coming year. You may want to sit with them and discuss the importance of having clear goals and resolutions. Do not impose any pledge or commitment to them, however, let them choose so that they try and align their actions happily to achieve them. 

Smart and healthy New Year Resolutions For Kids

Ages 5 -10 Years:

  • Keep room clean and tidy
  • Nurture a hobby.
  • Be more eco friendly(save water, switch off appliances when not needed).
  • Eat Healthy (less Junk)
  • Try New Foods/Improve eating habits
  • A bath every day, maintain good hygiene like trim nails, haircuts etc.
  • Go to bed early.
  • Exercise daily (~20 Mins)
  • Meditation/Prayer daily (~20 Mins)
  • Restricted screen time – TV, Tablets, Laptops etc.
  • Study every day (~1 hour), finish homework, make better notes
  • Help  younger sibling to study
  • Be kind to family and friends
  • Respect elders
  • Play outdoors (`2 hrs.)
  • Memorize home address and parents’ mobile number
  • Develop new hobbies – Reading, Painting, Singing etc.
  • Read a new book each (day, week, month)
  • Eating fewer chocolates, cakes and ice creams
  • Brush Teeth twice a day and regular hand washing
  • Arrange toys and books regularly

For Ages 10 -12 Years:

  • Keep all things organized (such as books and other belongings)
  • Do household chores 
  • Refrain from using any foul language/abusive words
  • Maintain body hygiene
  • Participate in school debates and other co-curricular activities
  • Obey elders and respect individuals
  • At least 30 minutes of exercise/prayers/meditation
  • Focus on physical fitness and healthy eating habits, more intake of fruits and vegetables
  • Start writing a daily diary and have a time table for your day (including holidays)
  • Restricted screen time for leisure, the screen should be used for useful readings and researches.

For Ages 13 -17 Years:

  • Find a way to be actively involved in the community(even if it’s simply picking up garbage at the local park on weekends or teaching poor kids over weekends).
  • Help with household chores (Heres how to get your older kids to do chores)
  • Start writing blogs/contributing to the newspaper/Youtube channel.
  • Start participating in debates and other co-curricular activities
  • At least 30 minutes of exercise/prayers/meditation
  • Focus on physical fitness and healthy eating habits.
  • Say No to junk, aerated drinks etc.
  • Experimenting with already developed hobbies like painting a wall or learning advance art forms.
  • Be confident and honest with parents.
  • Openly talk and discuss their feelings.
  • Seek help in case required – could be medical counselling or anything
  • Stop using abusive language or hitting anyone
  • Focus on mental wellness – find positive ways to deal with stress such as writing, reading or dancing.
  • Stop any kinds of drugs/substance/or bad habits such as smoking/drinking

Apart from these new year resolutions for kids, here are some smart words that kids can use to describe their personal, spiritual, ambitious aspirations. Any word/term or phrase which he/she would like to do /become in 2021. Check out these words to ponder upon and let you or your child choose amongst them.

Best words to pick up for New Year’s resolution for kids:

  1. Ambitious
  2. Adventurous
  3. Compassionate
  4. Courageous
  5. Courteous
  6. Diligent
  7. Generous
  8. Happy
  9. Helpful
  10. Innovative
  11. Loyal
  12. Passionate
  13. Reliable
  14. Trustworthy
  15. Witty
  16. Amazing
  17. Awesome
  18. Excellent
  19. Fabulous
  20. Fantastic
  21. Incredible
  22. Outstanding
  23. Splendid
  24. Super
  25. Wonderful

Wishing all the readers a very HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021!

9 thoughts on “New Year Resolutions for Kids in 2021 (Age-wise)”

  1. Wonderful guidelines for youngsters of each age group.

    Just what they, along with parents, should follow for betterment.

  2. A very simple, precise, and apt list of guidelines. Something that parents should ensure to imbibe in their kids and follow.


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