The Kids Are Asleep? Time for Some “Me Time”! Here’s How

Being a parent is the most rewarding job on the planet. But it’s not without its drawbacks, namely, a lack of “me time.”

If you’re more stressed than usual, it may be time to relax and unwind.

But how can you take some quality time for yourself, and what should you do? For starters, as soon as the kids are in bed, be ready to let your hair down and relax.

Want to learn more about ideas for me-time? Then keep reading.

Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is upon us, and what better time to enrol the kids in summer camp (or send them to Grandma and Grandpa’s for a week), than now? When the kids are at summer camp, take an hour or two to yourself and relax.

Grab a book or turn on your favourite Netflix movie, and mentally float away for a couple of hours. You’ll benefit from the much-needed downtime, and your stress will likely decrease.

Family Time

If you’re planning a trip as a family, be sure to take a night (or two!) out to yourself. Consider inviting another family member to watch the kids while you and your partner enjoy a dinner for two or an evening out on the town.

You can spend the days as a family and the nights practising self-care while taking in the sights.

Adult Art Classes

Are you artistic and creative? If so, consider grabbing your girlfriends and taking an art class. Even if your art skills need some help, you can have fun with friends while learning the basics.

You can do everything from macrame to pottery, painting to crocheting.

If you love to drink wine, why not take a painting class where you can paint and enjoy your favourite Chardonnay? What’s best, hand painted wine glasses make amazing gifts, so you and your friends can have matching glasses to enjoy your vino from.

Book Club

Do you love to read? If so, consider joining a book club. You can find one that meets up at night and spend hours discussing your favourite novels.

What’s better, you can read your favourite book and prepare for book club, all while enjoying a relaxing bubble bath!


If exercise is an important part of your life, consider taking yoga classes. If you can’t make it to the gym or yoga studio, there are plenty of free yoga videos available online.

Once the kids are in bed, turn on your favourite yoga video and enjoy relaxation while you strengthen your mind, body, and soul.

Take Up a Hobby

If you’re looking for a simple hobby you can do from home, consider crocheting, knitting, or puzzle building, to name a few. Once the kids are asleep (or playing with friends), you can whip out your favourite hobby and take some “me time,” focusing on something you enjoy.

The Importance of Me Time

No matter what your interests are, make sure to prioritize yourself and practice life skills to help you stress and unwind, all year long. “Me time” ensures you’re taking a break before stress accumulates and you start to feel physical symptoms.

Remember that parenting is a rewarding but often tiring journey, and you need to care for yourself to be the best parent possible.

For more articles about parenting, be sure to check out the rest of our blog for tons of great information.


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