Creative Gift Ideas for Boys on Birthday Celebrations

When it is time to celebrate the birthday of your son, grandson, nephew, or cousin, one of the hard things to do is begin hurling thoughts around in your brain concerning what kind of gift to give him. Moreover if your child is invited to a party at the home of his friend, you need to make sure that he arrives with a gift that should be appreciated not only by his friend, but also parents. One of the best approaches to find best gift ideas for boys is to consider the kid’s age, interest and hobbies, personality and how it can add value to the kid’s life.

Babies and preschool boys like toys that they can ride. They like toys that require creative thinking, for example, riddles and building blocks. Colour books are extraordinary gifts for this age. Kids like toys that resemble things they see their parents use ;like mobile phone, watch, goggles and other things. Another great gift ideas for boys will definitely include cars. Young boys like small cars to push around and big cars to ride around in. These great gadgets have gears and steering wheels which almost seem like the real thing! A car is great gift if you want to keep your young one entertained for long periods of time.

As kids age, they are often  attracted towards science. They want to have some cool science related stuffs that not only entertain,  but also educate them. Astronomy, the solar system, creating, and inventing, all turns into adventures for a young boy. They likewise turn out to be increasingly inspired by electronic gadgets and devices. Today, they are more attracted towards superheroes like Iron Man, Spider Man, Captain America and other comic characters. When thinking about creative gift ideas for boys, you can also include comic books and goodies for example – an Iron Man t-shirt or watch, bicycle, skates and many other things. A few birthday gift ideas for kids ageing from 5 to 15 years are –

Racing Cars – Boys love cars. They are crazy for racing cars. Give your boy a racing car like Ferrari in a charismatic red colour. This will make them happy than ever.

Magnetic Sketch Board – Replace the smartphone and tablets with a physical magnetic sketch that brings back the physicality of the art. The magnetic beads will arrange themselves to replicate your child’s imagination and bring art back into their hands.

Sports merchandise – Sports is something that is liked by both boys and girls. Gift them a pair of badminton rackets and motivate them to be the next PV Sindhu or Kidambi Srikanth.A cricket kit could also work wonders to make your child happy.

Walkie-Talkie – Walkie-talkies are kids favourite toys. It is a fun toy that can help the kids play detective or commando games.

Adventure Kit – Gift your boy an Adventure kit that comes with a bag that has binoculars, lights, magnifying glass and a compass. You can also keep this in his luggage when he goes for school trips.

Personalised Accessories – These days we see personalised accessories in market. You can gift your kid a personalised bag, cap or something with a personalised message or their name.

Action Figures – What is the better way to keep your kids entertained than with some great toys they can play with all day? Action figures are a favourite among children and are available in so many variations, it is hard to count.

Colour Box – Colour box can make your kid’s day special. They can play with colours and create some interesting arts to keep for a lifetime.

Boxing set – Some kids are extremely into action and being heroic, being entranced by fight scenes in cartoons and movies. Gift them a boxing set with a punching bag.

When they head into the tween years, the gift choice process is somewhat more muddled. PlayStation, Xbox and a variety of electronic digital games and gadgets take their interest. You should endeavour to discover gift ideas for boys, for example, a camera, sporting equipment, movies, or other things that relate to their particular hobbies and interests, even if you can’t figure out why a certain thing interests them. If your son is fond of music and like to be a singer or musician then you can gift musical instruments too, for example a guitar, piano, violin, flute and other instruments. Posters and records of legendary rock stars and other musicians are also thoughtful gifts ideas for boys.

Mostly, a boy’s world revolves around video games, outdoor sports, cars, gadgets and a lot more. You need to be selective and creative because your boy expects a lot when you are to present him something, and you would  not want to disappoint him. Gifts for boys can be as wide as gifts for girls; all you have to do is brainstorm your mind.

3 thoughts on “Creative Gift Ideas for Boys on Birthday Celebrations”

  1. Good options given on how to select gifts for children and some of the sources ,hope these tips will be handy when next time I buy a gift for a child.A huge tension eased.well written

  2. Good tips to choose a gift for a boy.A huge tension eased.Good tips combined with source is of great help.very well written.

  3. I always feel personalized gift is a unique idea. On the other hand, I feel we should do away gifts because it is harming our planet. Most gifts are recycled or never used.


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