5 popular developmental activities for 0-6 months old baby

Simple activities can help in your baby’s all-around development. At this age, floor-based activities are ideal for babies as they are very sensitive to your mood. You need to be relaxed while playing with them. They enjoy watching and grasping for objects that are hung close to them. They love being close to you too, so make some time out for them.

Here are the most loved games and activities for 0 to 6 months old baby:

1.Rock –a bye-baby

Make your baby sit on your lap and rock gently in a rocking chair and sing nursery rhymes to her. If you have a bouncing baby chair, it would add to your little one’s fun.

2. Rattle it

Lay baby on the floor and give a safe toy to play with. Give large bright toys to hold. Let your baby grasp objects and explore the different shapes and textures. Toy keys and rattles are ideal for this age.

3. Music time

Musical toys stimulate babies’ senses. Music influences brain development from a young age and also has a soothing effect on babies. Mozart, Beethoven or any other instrumental music of your choice would do wonders.

4.Tummy time-

Tummy time happens when your baby

Tummy time for baby

lies on her tummy with weight on her forearms. It is very essential for your baby’s physical development. Turn your baby so that she lies on her tummy. Never leave your baby alone during tummy time, especially when your baby has no neck control. You can also place a mirror to show her reflection. Tummy time is one of the most recommended activities for babies. I found this video about tummy time very useful. Check it out.

5. Read-

Yes. Research says that reading to your baby from a young age can promote vocabulary development and language skills. Read aloud and show big pictures from the book to get your baby interested. Baby will love to see your expressions while you read even though she may not understand the meaning of the story.

This post is a part of Blogchatter’s #AtoZChallenge

Image courtesy-Liz west, Creative Commons license via Flickr, some rights reserved

Author’s note-Throughout this post, the pronouns “he” or “she” refers to both the sexes, except where a topic applies specifically to a boy or girl.

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7 thoughts on “5 popular developmental activities for 0-6 months old baby”

  1. Rattles are all kid’s favorite. Aarav used to love playing with them. Reading Book and tummy time has so many benefits for small kids.


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