My insights on Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa Challenge 2019

The #MyFriendAlexa Challenge is about to end on 30th September 2019. Here are my journey and insights on this amazing platform set for bloggers by team Blogchatter.

How did I get to know about the #MyFriendAlexa Challenge?

Well, I was reading a few blogs, given the advice of pro bloggers that it was inevitable to read other blogs and connect with bloggers when I stumbled upon the  #MyFriendAlexa Challenge. Bloggers swore by the mighty Alexa rank boost that it promised. Of course, I was curious. This was in June 2019.I hogged as much information as possible about the challenge and hoped that it would be introduced this September(2019).

The most awaited news…

6th August 2019, after two months of desperate waiting #MyFriendAlexa Season 4 was announced by team Blogchatter. Yes I remember the date, just like a couple remembers the day they first met! I was ecstatic! My first ever blogging challenge was about to begin! I registered immediately.

The Blogchatter support system…

Team Blogchatter means business when they introduce a challenge. I learned it gradually. From giving a point of contact(contact person) to holding FB sessions on the subtle nuances of #MyFriendAlexa Challenge and offering expert advice and food for thought on successful blogging, engagement with fellow bloggers; they did it all. Hats off to the fantastic team!My contact person Ms. Sona Grover was super helpful, not just with reference to the #MyFriendAlexa Challenge, but also with other blogging and networking difficulties I faced.

The writing challenge…

The #MyFriendAlexa Challenge calls for 8 posts in the entire Alexa month. Well, as far as Alexa rank is concerned, that’s the key to catapulting your rank; frequency, and consistency in posting. This post is my 8th Alexa post in the fourth week of the challenge. Dedication and focus help you achieve the target. My Alexa rank shot up like never before.

Target achieved! Yippee…

The reading list…

The best part of the #MyFriendAlexa Challenge. Why?

  1. The reading list was an intellectual treat served on a platter! Everyday!
  2. I got acquainted with bloggers from my genre and others too. It’s great to have a community to relate to, right?
  3. Learning! Learning!Learning! with every blog, you read.
  4. I came across awesome new blog designs, social media strategies, writing styles, the scope of various genres, plugins used (once you start blogging, you can make out the plugins used), way of displaying awards and accolades, etc.
  5. The comments by fellow bloggers made my day. Honestly.
  6. My twitter following increased and I could follow fellow bloggers to learn from them.
  7. Sponsored posts, reviews, and guest posts on blogs gave me insights on how to monetize my blog better.
  8. Lots of bliss!
  9. The Blogchatter team is a watchdog for reading lists. You skip it and you are out of the challenge. I even got a mail congratulating me for completing the reading lists. Great way to motivate. Thanks, Blogchatter.
  10. Learned discipline in blogging. I wish to continue the same.

What next?

Four days to go for the #MyFriendAlexa Challenge to end and I have already started getting separation anxiety from the Blogchatter family and fellow bloggers. But, separation is the last thing on my mind. I have resolved to keep up the discipline I have learned from this challenge. Hope fellow bloggers keep it up too. It’s time to stay connected and get the best out of the blogosphere.

Thank you Blogchatter for this amazing opportunity.

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Read also-

The Genesis of Mommy’s Magazine-My blogging story

Why I shifted to SiteGround -The best Web Hosting provider?


44 thoughts on “My insights on Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa Challenge 2019”

  1. Well you have spoken my heart out joining this campaign was the best thing i could do to consistency in my life in regard to reading & writing. Not to mention getting to know some fellow bloggers through their work. Good read!

  2. It seems you had written my thoughts. It is my second year of participation and I always had a great experience with blogchatter community and their campaigns. yes me too feeling separation anxiety..#Surbhireads #Myfriendalexa

  3. Hahaha separation anxiety – wow never thought of it quite that way. Really liked to read your learnings from Alexa. Way to go for reaching your target 😀

  4. My #friendalexa certainly helps in improving blog rank. It is also a good way to read many other blogs and get acquainted with bloggers and stay in touch.

  5. The gist of the Alexa Campaign so wonderfully rendered in your post. Indeed, the campaign has been a great learning experience and it feels nice to be a contributor to our abode, Blogosphere. Just about everything that you wrote in the post resonates with me too 🙂

  6. You spoke my mind. This is my first MyFriendAlexa challenge and a first blogging challenge too. Ditto on the reading list. I discovered some great bloggers and writers.

  7. Totally on point dear. This was my first #myfriendalexa blogging challenge and it is the best by far. Haven’t come across a supportive and encouraging community ever. Absolutely in Love with the sessions too. The reading list is a pleasure and I have learnt so much in this one month. Totally working to apply all the knowledge. #damurureads #myfriendalexa

  8. Wow.. I can so relate to your post.. This is my first blogging challenge and I must say it has been a wonderful journey! Have connected to so many amazing bloggers out there who are always helpful.. Sona, too has been very very supportive and helpful all through out.. You are absolutely right.. I, too have started getting separation anxiety!

  9. It was my 2nd year of participation and the challenge was super fun. I love the way blogchatter treats every blogger the same and give every blog an equal and fair chance to come up in the reading list. They also add value to the blogging world and make it simple for newbie bloggers or pro-bloggers by regular Twitter sessions or Facebook Live’s.
    #vigorousreads #MyFriendAlexa

  10. I felt as if you have penned down my thoughts on MyFriendAlexa challenge. This is my first time too and I am really looking forward to participating in the next one as well.

  11. The biggest and best surprise is yet to come- the change in your Alexa rank!
    It was definitely a fun challenge to be part of, and I’m glad I came across your blog!
    A piece of advice- do embed your Twitter handle, it makes a huge difference!

  12. It’s like you’ve mirrored my thoughts! I’m glad that I was almost able to keep up the consistency. This challenge worked wonders for my Alexa rank! Though it was a gruelling challenge, I’m glad I signed up for it.

  13. Such a lovely post on #MyFriendAlexa! I agree with each and every point ….especially the fact that one learns so much by reading blogs. Thank you for echoing the thoughts of each participant in this fab campaign!


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